Monday, November 16, 2015

I've moved!

Please check out my new site:

HUSTLE. New Release. Nov. 19th

"An emotional, sexy, intense, and suspenseful roller coaster, which will make you want to read it again again!" 

- Good Reads Reviewer

Hustle will be released November 19th. A blog tour starts on November 18th, along with giveaways!
-- stop schedule will be posted soon!!

Add to your Goodreads library here:

More information coming soon! 

Happy Reading,



Friday, June 26, 2015

Complete Series Giveaway!

"In the ring, Regan has control. Outside the ropes, she fights to survive." 
GIVEAWAY for the release of OtherSide Of Fear--the last book in the Outside The Ropes series. June 30th.

Have Fun!


Connect with me: 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Receive exclusive bonus chapters in Gage's perspective as well as notices about the books I publish by joining my mailing list:

* indicates required

Connect with me: 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

New Adult Giveaway (win $10 Amazon Gift Cards or eBooks)

A giveaway to celebrate the New Adult Genre and the release of Inside Danger (Book Two Of Outside The Ropes) on March 26th!!

Prizes~ 2 $10 Amazon Gift cards and 10  different ebooks! 

Have Fun and Good Luck, 

Ashley Claudy

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Free Bonus Chapters in Gage's Point Of View and Teaser

Want Gage in your email? Sign up for my mailing list by clicking on the picture or using the sign up on the left of this website! 

It's FREE and I promise I only send out newsletters for new books, discounts, and special bonuses (no more than once a month- if that.)

Have Fun, 

Ashley Claudy

Monday, January 5, 2015

Outside The Ropes is LIVE! and so are all these links...

Outside The Ropes went live on January 1, 2015 and I was sick. Literally.

I'm going to blame that for my lack of updating- the cold/flu that took over my house.

Some updates for the book:

  1. It is available as an Ebook on Kindle right now at Amazon
  2. Paper back will be available this weekend on Amazon! (January 10, 2015)
  3. Inside Danger (book two of Outside The Ropes) is available for pre order now on Amazon

Reviews are coming in from bloggers and readers and I am thrilled to see the positive reaction at Goodreads and Amazon!!!

I especially love the pictures people have come up with. See one at A Love Affair with Books and another at Forever Reading Book Blog! Or see my pin board for the book at Pinterest.

**** I will be sending the special bonus chapters in Gage's point of view out at the end of this month. Make sure you are signed up for my mailing list to receive them. Sign up here. ****

Follow me on the following sites (and say Hi while you're at it!):

Have Fun!!